Braking resistors

We help you choosing the resistor that fits best!

  • High pulse-load
  • High continious-load
  • Easy mount in control racks
  • Thermal monitoring

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The variable frequency drive has to feed back the energy into the dc-link. In most cases the load that is fed back (generative load) while braking is very high. Therefore you need a dynamic braking unit and a external braking resistor to convert the energy into heat.

A maximum of 30% of the device capacity can be derived. When a higher braking power is needed you have to use a regenerating unit. Since in most cases there are only short braking times you have to calculate the braking-duration. Aided by the overload-factor that depends on the duration you can calculate the allowed short-time load with the continious load.

Regenerating units and dynamic braking units are also availible at EPA.


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EPA_BW_CDH_brake_resistor.pdf748.31 K