Line Reactors for Single Phase Supplies – uk 8 %
- Current ratings 7 A up to 32 A
- Limitation of harmonics
- Suitable for unchoked compensation systems
- Enhancement of the interference immunity
- Reduction of voltage drops and current peaks
- Suitable for line-operating motors

Line Reactors for Three Phase Supplies – uk 2 %
- Current ratings from 7 A up to 400 A
- Limitation of harmonics
- Suitable for unchoked compensation systems
- Enhancement of the interference immunity
- Reduction of voltage drops
- Suitable for line-operating motors

Line Reactors for Three Phase Supplies – uk 4 %
- Current ratings from 2 A up to 1100 A
- Limitation of harmonics
- Suitable for unchoked compensation systems
- Enhancement of the interferenc eimmunity
- Reduction of voltage drops
- Suitable for line-operating motors